Life with Nirvan; Terrible 2

It’s been a beautiful 2 years and counting. Full of joy,love,laughter,tears, uncertainty and pain. But we chose to see beyond the pain and negativity in order to move forward. And threenage hood is slowly approaching. Can’t wait for what it brings,so let’s marvel at how 2 has been. It’s has been everything but terrible. If anything,it has been the best because now,we know each other a little better.
I have been in awe watching you grow. How your creativity and imagination has increased. And the person you are slowly turning into. Teaching and correcting you, how open you are to learning new stuff and explore, gives me immense joy and I love you more everyday day.

.DJ in the making

This past year,we haven’t traveled much as we did before. Covid made sure we stay put, but it’s great to see how quickly you adjusted and love exploring nature as we take our usual walks. It’s really nice to see how well you are capable of making new friends in new places.And how good you are with names. How you get along with people still amazes me. You are such a charmer. That even at your age you can hold a comprehensive conversation with an adult you just met.

How you are able to show empathy, is something else all together. Empathy towards an injured animal,leaf/plant or even human. Those warm tight hugs to make someone/something feel better are just the best. I remember when we had sunflowers and you would go hugging them all,sure,you broke a few,but it was so sweet you telling them sorry. It’s also sweet how quick you accept your mistakes and apologize for them.

When I first met you,I felt the purest kind of love, my heart grows everyday as I learn to and be your mum. It’s a mystery we have come this far. Over the last few months,you have grown so much. Strong willed, energetic, full of love and independent. I keep wondering where my baby went to, choosing your own outfit for the day,feeding yourself, the dog,the chicken.There are times you drive me angry to the roof,but you are also the person who calms me when am having a rollercoaster of emotions.

There are some of my traits I see in you and I get overwhelmed. Especially the negative ones,it’s so crazy seeing yourself in your child at times. But we are both learning to deal with the so not pretty aspects of self. Being your mum,I have learnt patience and endurance and so much more about myself I probably didn’t know. And I have clearly become super protective,fiercely you could say. Thank you for letting me see the beauty of the world and myself again. And reminding to pray every so often.

May the curiosity in your eyes never be lost.



Author: waFrancis


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