My son,you are another year older. I love the far we have come. I wish you nothing but the best in life,true love, sufficient Grace,peace and wisdom to go through life…love mum.


To my readers,today we got a guest writter. Enjoy…

“There is this privilege that men have, which we rarely talk about it. It is a social malady, pernicious to women and traumatizing to children. Men can choose to be parents, but women cannot. Society affords them that privilege. That is why men often readily accept fatherhood in their ‘official marriages.’ I say often, because some of them will still accuse their wives of making them raise other men’s children. Otherwise, these men will deny siring babies unless shamed, exposed, or proved wrong by a DNA test. You feel that for them, it does not count that they had sex with a woman and a conception is a reasonable, sometimes an inevitable consequence of that. What matters to them is whether they choose to accept responsibility. And most of the time they refuse. Because we live in a society where men hardly face the consequences of impregnating women. It is the women who face the consequences of getting pregnant.

Thusly, Kabi wa Jesus dared to shoot a #derixckjaxn video and condemn a woman he had indeed had sex with and impregnated, blamed the devil and others for testing their faith and marriage. It is because he knows fully the burden of proof lies with the woman. Also, the same applies to Prof Hamo for thinking it was okay to abandon his fatherly responsibilities towards his children and Jemutai. Consciously or not, these men use this privilege to determine which children they have sired they will acknowledge responsibility for. As a woman, when you get pregnant, you can’t hide from it, you can’t talk your way out of pregnancy or pray it away. I imagine that besides the challenges of being pregnant out of wedlock, women often have to fret about whether the men responsible will accept responsibility. That is simply unfair.

Men don’t have a public manifestation of their role in pregnancies. So, they capitalize on this. It is her word against his. Woe unto a woman who has no way of accessing the courts, or DNA, or other women who can help champion her plight, she plunges into single motherhood while the man responsible moves on to gain his dream life and marry the woman whose children he will parent. Worse, we blame these women for being single mothers because it never occurs to us to question the person who contributed to her single motherhood. I digress.

There is a toxic underlying narrative that these men rely on to evade responsibility. First, that women are liars, and second, that they are ‘sluts.’ A man may have sex with a woman, repeatedly, but have reservations on whether he is the father because women lie. Women only want to tie you down, or take your money. Since their money is more important to them than the plight of the children, they sire or the women whose lives they ruin, they will want proof. They make women go get DNA tests knowing full well they were banging all night long seven days a week. For others, women are sluts. Believing at any point, women are sleeping with multiple partners, and somehow that’s grounds for discrediting what a woman says. Most times it is a combination of both these narratives.

It is this same privilege that has governments and religious institutions planning laws that regulate women’s bodies. Politics, laws, debate, and everything else around abortion and unwanted pregnancies center on the woman and what she should or shouldn’t do after the fact. It baffles me that all these ‘intellectuals’ in parliaments have never stopped to consider that pregnancies do not happen in a vacuum. Except, they know but they aim to provide institutions that absolve men of responsibility while punishing women for the same things. Hence, no constitution ever provides for men’s responsibility in unwanted pregnancies, but some of the so-called ‘progressive’ constitutions will put caveats for women on when they can legally have abortions. Many talk of life starting at conception as if conception is a process that women telepathically induce in their wombs. However, if we are going to be non-discriminatory about abortion, then the conversation needs to start from the source. There must be provisions that hold men accountable for their roles in the occurrence of pregnancies, particularly in cases of unwanted pregnancies.

For as long as men can choose to be parents and women can’t, we will continue to see men come out and condemn women for ruining their names, careers, and ‘testing their faith’ despite intimate involvement with the women. We will continue to witness women showing up with children at their burials because when they were alive they chose not to be parents to those children. Single motherhood will continue to be met with derision instead of admiration. We will continue to have a society that polices women’s sexual behavior under the guise of ‘morality’ while allowing men’s sexual behavior to carry on untrammeled. Ultimately, we will continue to have society as is now, where men have sex for fun and women bear the rest of the burdens of sex, including children.” Ruzuna Akoth

.am free years old

Life with Nirvan; Terrible 2

It’s been a beautiful 2 years and counting. Full of joy,love,laughter,tears, uncertainty and pain. But we chose to see beyond the pain and negativity in order to move forward. And threenage hood is slowly approaching. Can’t wait for what it brings,so let’s marvel at how 2 has been. It’s has been everything but terrible. If anything,it has been the best because now,we know each other a little better.
I have been in awe watching you grow. How your creativity and imagination has increased. And the person you are slowly turning into. Teaching and correcting you, how open you are to learning new stuff and explore, gives me immense joy and I love you more everyday day.

.DJ in the making

This past year,we haven’t traveled much as we did before. Covid made sure we stay put, but it’s great to see how quickly you adjusted and love exploring nature as we take our usual walks. It’s really nice to see how well you are capable of making new friends in new places.And how good you are with names. How you get along with people still amazes me. You are such a charmer. That even at your age you can hold a comprehensive conversation with an adult you just met.

How you are able to show empathy, is something else all together. Empathy towards an injured animal,leaf/plant or even human. Those warm tight hugs to make someone/something feel better are just the best. I remember when we had sunflowers and you would go hugging them all,sure,you broke a few,but it was so sweet you telling them sorry. It’s also sweet how quick you accept your mistakes and apologize for them.

When I first met you,I felt the purest kind of love, my heart grows everyday as I learn to and be your mum. It’s a mystery we have come this far. Over the last few months,you have grown so much. Strong willed, energetic, full of love and independent. I keep wondering where my baby went to, choosing your own outfit for the day,feeding yourself, the dog,the chicken.There are times you drive me angry to the roof,but you are also the person who calms me when am having a rollercoaster of emotions.

There are some of my traits I see in you and I get overwhelmed. Especially the negative ones,it’s so crazy seeing yourself in your child at times. But we are both learning to deal with the so not pretty aspects of self. Being your mum,I have learnt patience and endurance and so much more about myself I probably didn’t know. And I have clearly become super protective,fiercely you could say. Thank you for letting me see the beauty of the world and myself again. And reminding to pray every so often.

May the curiosity in your eyes never be lost.






The other day my mom told me something about Kikuyu men and I wasn’t sure how to take it. But well,in this day and age,I have been a parent for a very short time,what do I know? The few times I have gone for antenatal and postnatal clinics, it almost seems like a women’s affair only. The men are not anywhere to be seen. Are they all so busy they can’t take a few hours of to take the heavily pregnant women to hospital? Or just the baby for weighing?


Given,not all the situations are the same. Some of these guys don’t even know they are expecting a child somewhere. But for those who know,where are they? Are all these women who go for clinics not married or not having a significant other? Did they do these on their own?


There are those ladies who got pregnant and so many accusations were made. An abortion was suggested, and since it didn’t happen, the guy chose to stay away. Family cuts her off and she is all by herself. Empty handed and pregnant. She has to work till the last day of her pregnancy, probably an expensive one since she or the baby got some underlying health issues. She pulls through, and brings home a healthy child.


.same script, different cast


She needs money for the baby,but she can only do so much. She doesn’t have anyone to watch the baby,even if she did, she wouldn’t have money to pay them. She tries to be a good mother to the child. Sleepless nights, panic when baby doesn’t seem okay , Some missed clinics or a payment plan is made with the hospital cashier,pay several months upfront so when she doesn’t have the money, baby doesn’t miss any of immunisation shots.


HER: Am pregnant…

HIM: Let me knock you up again so that we can each have a child 😝


Someone told me,the biggest percentage of couples aren’t ready for a child. They adjust accordingly when it pops up. Being a parent changes your life you are solely responsible for another human who doesn’t come with a manual.

Men,its only fair,even if you weren’t ready for such a lifetime responsibility,respect her feelings. Give her emotional support, trust me she needs it. When she is stressed or bothered, it passes to the child. Now imagine a little human,who doesn’t know how to control their emotions. All teary and fussy. She needs  emotional energy to take care of that. Don’t belittle her, no matter how major your issues are, she is the mother to your child. The child is constantly with the mother. It sees and even if it doesn’t understand, the sad or happy image sticks with it. That is how in future you get a man who only wants to be with sad ladies or constantly makes them cry because that’s the normal he has known. Or a lady who doesn’t have an opinion because she constantly saw the mother being silenced or treated like she didn’t matter. And the cycle continues. Bad mouthing her to others,only makes you look bad. Be the better man.


To all the ladies who have had to go through mistrust, shame,long showers crying your eyes out,the many nights you have cried yourself to sleep, the times you have felt inadequate, the times you couldn’t calm your baby down because you also need calming, the loneliness i want to believe it will all come to an end. That little human needs you,no matter what the world sees or thinks about you,you are that baby’s world. It shall be well,not easy,but hold your head up. You are enough. Don’t regret that baby, or anything ..its a blessing and could be the best one yet. The universe gifted you an embryo, strive to give back a strong, responsible and respectable human.


To the men raising kids on their own, because the mother ran off with someone younger,with more money than you or her career was more important than family, you are doing a great job. Love and cherish those children. You are their world make it the best one for them. I hope you get all the strength even on those rough days. The crazy eyes they give you at the clinics, or when you are doing a diaper change,you are rare species that needs to be applauded and preserved.






Walking around and seeing a pregnant woman,it somehow warms my heart and strangely reminds me of how,a while back when in campus,we used to go to Biashara Street ( Nairobi) and start counting pregnant women. That was odd Nina & Kiki? I miss you guys though. Well anyway, fast forward and I was pregnant just the other day, and when I meet or see a pregnant woman,so many things run through my mind. Occasionally, I will give this knowing smile,especially if they look at my baby longingly. ” You will get here too..” My mind tells them. But I have a myriad of questions I would love to ask.

How far along are you?
Did you find out the gender yet? Do you want it to be a surprise?
Do you exercise? Do you prefer walks,dancing or swimming? Or do you just want to laze in the house?
What foods are you eating? Does the food taste any different? What weird cravings have you had so far? Man I never got this,I think I was too worried to even notice am craving anything.
For how long have you tried to get pregnant?
How many pregnancies have you lost prior to this one?
Was this pregnancy medically aided?
Did the pregnancy sneak on you or were you actually trying to conceive?
Were you blamed for “catching” the pregnancy. Haha as if its a disease 😝
Have you started going for the antenatal clinics?
Are the staff there friendly or are they rude because you came alone?
What fears do you have for your baby?
Is this your first child? If not,do they think you have enough already?
Does it scare you that you are carrying a relative you have never met?
How will it relate with the other siblings?
Is there another woman pregnant for the same man?
Are you happy with the pregnancy?
What do you feel about becoming a mom?
How did your family and friends take it when you announced you were expectant?
Did you ruin other people’s lives by getting pregnant?
The morning sickness, are yours as bad or can you handle them?
If you are having them so bad that you got admitted to hospital, did they accuse you of trying to terminate the pregnancy?
Do you think your baby judges you?
How do you bond with your unborn child? Do you already love it?
Does it freak you out that an actual human being is growing inside of you?
How are you adjusting to your body changes?
Where did you buy that maternity outfit?
Do you think you will ever fit in your pre baby clothes?
Are your boobs leaking already?
Will you breastfeed or formula feed?
Have you snapped at a colleague or a friend when your emotions are all over the place?
How often do you find yourself just crying and you don’t know why?
Do you have someone you can talk to when having a melt down?
Do you have a birthing plan?
Do you think about labour pains?
Have you already booked in with your hospital?
And your delivery bag?is it already packed? I know I packed mine at 8 months. And guess what?I forgot to pack diapers. Maybe I thought he would come already potty trained. I had to borrow one from a mother in the adjacent room. Embarrassing, but we are here for each other.

I would go on and on on the questions, but mama relax. You are doing okay. The calendar dates might seem like they are dragging and am certain you are always counting days to delivery. Don’t freak out (haha easier said than done). Whatever worries you have,they will fade away once they place that baby on your chest. In its rawness and that first cry, its the best thing in the world. That rawness cracks you right open. The greatest miracle that you brought life. However you are doing it,by yourself (by choice or circumstance), with someone by your side, you are strong than you think you are. I wish you the very best in this road to motherhood.

To all the men always behind the scene, I know you are doing a great job. These women really need you there. It can at times be a scary and lonely journey and they might not be in a position to tell you. Don’t think they are too much when they are trying to reach out. I know some can go overboard, but be there, be present in however way you think is right. Emotionally, financially, physically or however. Your child needs to know you from the onset. Things might not have been the way you wanted them to be, but have faith don’t be like all the others. Step up and be the man to prove that not all men are the same.







Its a little over one year since you came into my life. They say you should never stop learning. Everyday,every experience is a lesson. And little one,having you has been the biggest lesson so far. You are the class am so terrified being at and at same time the most adventurous one.

May of 2018 was when I was to officially go back to school. The irony,i wanted to do child psychology, but you came and I had to put a halt to my academic plans and take on the class that is motherhood. We make our plans,but God has His.

I might have “failed” at being a daughter, a friend, an older sibling and maybe other aspects of my life and am so terrified to fail as your mother. I know I feel like I already failed you from the start,but we learn as we go.

January should be our month. Good things and good people seem to happen to us then. Not that other people are bad. In 2018 January, I met a lovely lady called Cynthia. I was very vulnerable then. But she helped me. A stranger,she made me smile when my world was upside down. If I met her today,I wouldn’t know her. But am truly grateful for the few minutes she was with me. 2019 January came with its share too. “Wise but strange monkey” – Wanjiru, a mixture of feelings come with that name…i will just leave that there. Then came Wairimu. A very vocal and strong willed woman. Not afraid to say it as it is. She made me see things in a different light. “unfortunately they have more money than we do 😏 “

I digres…back to school. I have learnt people are not who they seem to be or who they say they are. You might learn that in good time or very late,but the best thing is to know,people are different. Some will have your back no matter what and others,they will just be others. No bad person says they are bad.

I have learnt to sometimes just be. Not to stress over things. Laundry, dishes,the house and all the other chores can wait but you will not be a baby for long. You will not need me to be by your side for long. Soon you will grow up and be on your own. So I enjoy and savour every moment with you. When I can carry you around,play with you,make you laugh before an age comes and you think am embarrassing you. 😋

You are as human as we come and you too have good and bad days. Some days you will just be all smiles and playful. While other days I just step out to the next room and you are all teary. Its okay to cry,its fine not to be okay. Its part of life and we are happy sometimes and other time we are sad. It’s what makes us human.

Clothes no longer have a second chance with you. You know,when I want to do laundry and there is that trouser that is not too dirty and can have a second wearing? That’s a thing of the past now. Because,if its not fruit stained,it has pee, poop or vomit on it. Or the worst it can be,smelling of milk. I know I have thrown out several of my tops and bras that were milk soaked and didn’t seem like the stench would ever clear.
I have known how to tell your different cries apart. When you want to be fed,when you want to be picked, when in pain or maybe when you are sleepy and trying to fight it. I used to wonder how a mother knows exactly what the child needs and at what time. I don’t know if am there yet,am still learning.

Such an entertainer you have become over the days. From fake cough,fake cry. Faces you make at people. Am learning to smile at people you make faces at. Maybe to assure them that am not the one who taught you that. Also,how you are able to just play by yourself or sometimes with Lisa,(you have been friends since before birth.) It has taught me that you don’t need people to be happy. You can be by yourself and still be fine.
Emotionally, am still learning how to be strong. Even when hurtful things are said/done to me, am trying to take them as straight faced as I can. I know you are watching and learning from everything I do or how I respond at different situations. There are those times i will just break down in the bathroom. Times I question my decisions about you, but still try to remain strong. But, what I tell you wouldn’t matter if its not what I practice. People are people and you have to learn to accept, understand and deal with them in their different shapes and personalities. Its okay to disagree but most times,don’t show your wounds,some own salt companies.

I have read so many books since you came. About diet, how different poop says about your health and measures to take,silly bedtime stories. Am proud to have diversified my reading since your arrival. And how you love tearing papers,I hope you love to read as well.

Baby,am not the perfect role model,heck I don’t even think am the perfect mom. But am trying and willing to learn. Am learning to be your safe place. Learning so that I show you,you can struggle around me,its safe to fail and I will not judge you. I want you to know,I will be there to lift you up through the messes you create,I know I have created plenty.

.through the doubts,through the fears, through the milestones, through the hopes for a better tomorrow, I love you son.

Its just been a few months and am certain I have years to go. God help me to keep my concentration in this class you put me in or did I put myself in?. Give me the grace and strength to help me through it.



With my birthday approaching, I cannot help but think, “What do I have to my name?” Apart from the most adorable son, i know all mums say that about their children. I have been made to feel like am not good enough, irresponsible and a screw up. Well maybe I am. I have managed to screw over some lives that were otherwise meticulously planned out.

As I stare at my son sleeping, which I find myself doing a lot, I cannot help to wonder how he will turn out. You know,as a new parent, so many things are going through my mind. Is it the same for all parents? Those with a single child or even those with a handful? How do you create a healthy relationship with them? The relationship where they can tell you their fears,their joys,their mistakes,the little things that make them happy.

Meeting your children’s needs, are they entitled to be themselves or a mini version of yourself? Their friends, how do you tell the good from the bad? How do you ensure they are stable, emotionally, mentally, spiritually? Well, all aspects of stability?

I have learnt,a person’s life doesn’t stop once they become parents. Life still moves on. But as it does,how does one balance the two lives,the parent and the child’s? For the older parents, is the relationship still there with your children? Where even as they are old and maybe married or living on their own,they can still call you with their issues? Or are they old enough to deal with them?

Can an older child commit a mistake and go to their parent without being judged or labeled for what they did? Are parents only proud of their children when they are doing well? Do parents really know their kids after they have left home? Apart from the occasional financial aid, how else do parents help their children? When they break or someone breaks their heart, is it okay for kids to cry to their parents? Or they should just “man-up” and soldier on?

With everyone busy trying to make their life better and being all secretive, when do parents know who is bullying their child at home,at school or maybe at work? What scars do your children carry from childhood? Who are their friends? Who are they sleeping with? How many abortions have they had? What drugs are they using? What makes them them?

Where exactly does parenting start or end? Am I parent enough?

Son,I might have failed at many things in my life, but God help me I don’t fail at being your mother.

.if am anything,I want to be your mom






There is only so much that school can teach you,and parenting isn’t one of them. Gadgets come with a manual,but a baby doesn’t. How to be with one is totally a new and learning experience. And more so if its your own.


Being with you baby for the last 6 months,has been a 24/7 lesson. I learn as you sleep,when you feed,when you cry. Pretty much every time. And Torticollis, was a vocabulary I learnt because of you. A condition with your neck from birth. In lay man’s term, wry neck. You were born with a shorter neck muscle on the left. Congenital Torticollis they called it.


Sometimes you would refuse to feed on the left boob,it would be uncomfortable for you. Before I knew what it was,I made a comment on how you are “such a guy” already having a preferred boob 😕.  Sometime I would try and force you to feed from that boob but it would just leave us both frustrated.


At our clinic visit,the doctor said you had Torticollis, i have come to love that name it has something to it 😁 .  They said it could have been because my womb was small so you were so squeezed in there. That broke my heart,again,even without trying, I failed you. My body failed you.


Well, the doctor reassured me it was treatable. I only had to make you do some exercises every so often and it would clear. So I was determined, these exercises would have to be done by any means possible. I was set to correct this. We would have to do neck exercises 4-6 times a day. On our first attempt, baby you cried so much I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t stand to see you cry that much. Doctor google came to my aid though, “are neck exercises for Torticollis painful?…”  Turns out they are not,just uncomfortable.




With time you got used to the exercises and didn’t cry as much. The neck is fine but not after hearing a lot fro the village women. “ Ohhhh you are neglecting that child. You feed him the wrong way that’s why his neck is like that. You don’t carry him right…” and so many other pointless comments that basically pointed to me being at fault. Being a 1st time mom and fumbling through most of what I was doing,it was hard trying to ignore it all. But I moved past it and you are well now. I couldn’t be more proud.

.lots of tummy time did help too


I know there are so many new parents out there and more so moms hearing a lot of how they are doing things wrong. Or how they should do things. Or simply someone butting in into your business and your child. Stand with what you know is right and best for you and your child. Yes,you need the advice on how to do this,but definitely not from everyone. Some are just waiting for you to fail so they can get something to talk about. Rise above it. Be the best you can and be happy at it.









The few months we have been together have been full of so many things. I have learnt ,I have been overly emotional, I have lost so much. But the best part of all these, I got you. Your innocence, your touch and most importantly, you giving me a new title.




Had you not come,where would I be? The people who left,would they still be there? What about all the nasty words that were said? But you know what,that’s all behind us now and am hoping to give you the best. Because that is what you are and actually deserve.


On world’s environment day,you decided to make my environment better. Got me a title; mom. I cannot begin to express how that feels. It brings tears to my eyes. Happy ones,I promise.


In the dead of the night,as the world slept, I got to meet my miracle. They say the human body is weakest at 3AM,well mine had to be the strongest then because you chose to come to this world at that time. In that cold delivery room, I was freaking out, I was anxious. I wanted to meet you,then again I wasn’t sure I was ready. Considering you came a few days earlier than expected. There was lots of green (green beddings,green curtains) and i guess that helped 🙂 of late i find myself attracted to the colour green. I think its your favourite colour. But really,music kept me calm and the nurses thought I was weird. I even did a movie you know. And then some minutes past 3,they placed you on my chest.

“Labour; the only blind date where you know you will meet the love of your life”

My first child. My son. My purest love. A piece of my heart that exists outside of my body. My greatest accomplishment in all of my life. My strength .Trust me,at some point they will tell you how strong mommy is,but you are my strength. Am thankful to God for you. For everything we will learn and accomplish together.


I want to write and tell you so much,but am afraid I will miss out on the most heavenly smile as you sleep. Am often finding myself staring at you and not believing you are here and mine. I cannot wait for you to meet the amazing people in my life.



Welcome to the world NIRVAN- My liberation gift from God.

#ZN ❤






Of all the faults I have committed,

Of all the faults associated with me,

Of all the faults they laugh about,

Of all the faults that make them point fingers,

Of all the faults that get them angry and all stressed out,

Of all the faults that make them look at me like a different person,

Of all the faults that have caused me sleepless nights,

Of the faults that made me lose myself,

Of the faults that scared me to death,

Of the faults that made them desert and disown me,

You remain to be my favourite one.

The fault I want to be associated with.

The fault that will stay with me forever.

One that will not be erased or forgotten.

The fault I wouldn’t want traded.

The one that I will brag to the world about.

The fault that shapes me.

The fault that gives me sleepless nights.

The one that will make me want to wake up in the morning.

The one they rarely ask about.

My favourite fault.







INÉS (The two lines that made us 3,well 2)

images (8)
.the 1st photo of you


Honey,there are many things I wouldn’t want for you to know or find out. But as it is right now,am sure there is no feeling I don’t feel and not pass to you. You might not understand, but how I wished things were different. How I wish I wrote to you when am always happy. As it turns out,most times am writing to you is with teary eyes,overcome with emotions and sometimes I just can’t explain. I can barely see the screen. Sometimes am afraid i will soak my keyboard. Well,I don’t have to tell you all these,you are feeling them already.


I cannot wait till I can hold you and tell you so much. Like how much of a sneaky guy/girl you already are. Sneaking on me unnoticed. When I saw those two lines,I was scared and thought my life is over. What would people say? How would I live? But honey,you are not a wound that would scar me for life. This is a life am carrying. Another human. Ohhh and I fall in love every waking day.


.this, I couldn’t help shed a tear

The kicks/blows, what do you do in there? But I love them. They let me know you are okay. Especially when listening to music,I feel like you are tearing through my skin. I especially love when its just the two of us. Am yet to get accustomed to that when am alone,you are there with me. I don’t know if you hear the stories I tell you, or will you remember them once you are out? But I will sure keep the books so that we can read together later on.




“a moment in my tummy,a lifetime in my heart”




Ladies,one is never prepared enough for the little miracle that grows inside of you. A friend said they have referred to “doctor” google enough times. This is so true. You will read something now,ask again another time and yet another. Refer for every single thing. You will have books,friends and everyone else,but its never enough.


A lot changes during this time. People you thought would stay by you no matter what,well,you thought wrong. Lost friends,who don’t think you are fun anymore and well people who think you are a loser. And lots of stories will make rounds. Most of them very laughable. Then,there are those who are just heaven sent. Who walk with you every step of the journey. They will calm your nerves,trust me you need those ones. So put on those pretty dresses and carry your baby with pride.


Men,I know the circumstances are not all the same. Many would have loved for things to have been different. But really,where are most of you when she is having an emotional breakdown? Will you help her when she doesn’t think she can go on and feels like giving up midway? You know, when she gets those panic attacks in the middle of the night,can she count on you to calm her? The many nights she has silently cried herself to sleep,woken up with red swollen eyes,who reassures her it will be alright? The lonely trips to the doctors, some of them can be very insensitive. These are the times you should be three,but oh well. I think that’s where the baby later calls you “uncle” or you hear it asking the mom,”mom,should I call him *insert name* or daddy?” Because they didn’t know you from the start and it will kill you.




To all the to be parents,this is just the beginning. The best part is yet to come,when the baby is finally in your arms. But the tears and the midnight meltdowns won’t end just yet.


